SOA is a design for linking computational resources (principally, applications and data) on demand to achieve the desired results for service consumers (which can be end users or other services).
What is SOA?
SOA is more generic. Any system that provides web services (which are self-contained and self-describing) can be termed as SOA enabled. The provider registers the service over UDDI in the form of WSDL.
•SOA emphasizes the implementation of components as modular services that can be discovered and used by clients
Why SOA?
(i) Promotes re-use of existing functionality
• (ii) Supports a distributed model of computing
• (iii) Enable scalability and reuse of components of across a wider development community
• (iV) Provides a uniform way of handling the functionality especially true in a large business environment
When SOA?
SOA is already implemented mostly as Web services. Web services standards have catalyzed the adoption of standards-based SOA. Early Web services standards – SOAP and HTTP – provide ubiquitous protocols suitable for SOA.
ESA and its Relation to SOA
SOA is more technical, ESOA (former ESA – Enterprise Service Architecture) created by SAP is more business focus.
Summarizing ESA
SOA is an idea of creating composite applications based on reusable building blocks using open standards like Web Services, WSDL, SOAP, UDDI.
SAP name for service oriented architecture is Enterprise SOA which enabled by open Net weaver Platform. Enterprise services allow applications to expose as web services (based on WSDL). In order to efficiently use web services across various applications and customers, it is essential that companies need to store these services centrally in one repository.
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