What does CHAIN ….END CHAIN do

Sometimes you want to check several fields as a group. To do this, include the fields in aFIELD statement, and enclose everything in a CHAIN-ENDCHAIN block. Example **** Screen flow logic: ****CHAIN. FIELD: SPFLI-CARRID, SPFLI-CONNID.MODULE CHECK_FLIGHT.ENDCHAIN.When an error is found inside a chain, the screen is re-displayed, and all fields foundanywhere in the chain are … Read more

How do you set up background jobs in SAP?

How do you set up background jobs in SAP? What are the steps? What are events driven batch jobs? – Create a job using function module JOB-OPEN– Collect the job specifications.– Add a job step to the job with the function module JOB-SUBMIT.– Close the job and pass it to Background processing system for execution … Read more

How do you set up background jobs in SAP?

How do you set up background jobs in SAP? What are the steps? What are events driven batch jobs? – Create a job using function module JOB-OPEN– Collect the job specifications.– Add a job step to the job with the function module JOB-SUBMIT.– Close the job and pass it to Background processing system for execution … Read more

What is CTS and What do you know about it?

[ CTS is Correction and Transport Systems ] – Correction system manages the internal system components like objects like only original version of the object exists. It stores all changes made to the object. – Transport system allows to transports the object from on SAP system to another (Development system to Production system). It allows … Read more

What is an interactive reports ?

What is an interactive reports ? What is the obvious difference of such reports with HTML type reports? Interactive reporting allows the user to participate actively in retrieving and presentingdata during the session. Instead of one extensive and detailed list, with interactivereporting you create a condensed basic list from which the user can call detailedinformation … Read more

What is an interactive reports ?

What is an interactive reports ? What is the obvious difference of such reports with HTML type reports? Interactive reporting allows the user to participate actively in retrieving and presentingdata during the session. Instead of one extensive and detailed list, with interactivereporting you create a condensed basic list from which the user can call detailedinformation … Read more